Monday, December 1, 2008

I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes

It's the first of December! :)
When I got up from bed today, two very pleasant surprises met me.
1) Eline had made me an Advent-calender for the remaining days here in Kristiansand! :)
2) There was snow on the ground! Perfect timing! :)

And now we've decorated the house so it feels more like Christmas. Red curtains and purple candles. Yeay!

Sadly enough I have two exams awaiting, making the Christmas-spirit wait even longer... Please pray for me Friday 5th and Friday 12th of December. :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

My man :-)

His name is Ole Einar. He has captured my heart. :-)
23 years old, from the Eastern part of Norway. The most fantastic guy ever! Beautiful smile, wonderful eyes, a good Christian, kind, helpful, sweet, fantastic and great! :-) :-)
He makes me so happy! :-)

I like cooking food for him :-)

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Good Muslim

A girl was going from her house to the town centre. It was dark. She stood waiting for the bus and the rain was poring down, making her soked all through her clothes. As the bus came, it just drove right past the girl, who was waving her hands to make it stop. The busdriver didn't even look at her, but just drove straight on to the next busstop. So the girl took to her feet and ran after the vehicle. She saw some people on the other busstop and shouted "Stop the bus!" but it just drove on.

As the girl reached the next stop, there was only a woman with a hidjab standing there. The Muslim looked at the girl and was moved with pity. She said to her that she had tried to stop the bus, but that the driver would not listen to her. They looked at each other and shook their heads in disappointment. Then the Muslim said to the girl: "Are you going to town?" The girl nodded.
"I am waiting for my husband," said the Muslim. "He is going to take me to town. Do you want a ride?" The girl looked at her gratefully and accepted the kind gesture.

When the car pulled over, the two women sat down inside it. The two Muslims drove the girl safely to the street were she wanted to go.

"Which of these, do you think, was a neighbor to the girl who was lost in the rain? The busdriver or the Muslim who showed her mercy?"
Jesus would say: "Go and do likewise."

This happened to me yesterday and the whole situation reminded me of the Good Samaritan. It is so important to remember to love your neighbor as yourself!

Over to another thing --> Here are some pictures from my last weekend in Oslo.
Friends from Hald

Christina's 25th Birthdayparty.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Autumn is Falling

Eline and I bought two golden fish yesterday. Our new roommates are called Nono and Tot, named after my Madagascar-Eline and Torstein. They lighten up our appartment and are always there when we come home.

The past weekend we had a henparty for Sigrid. We took her on a plane to Oslo, and she had no clue where she was or where she was going. We had a wonderful weekend - women only!

Now I'm back in the 3rd grade I teach. They're really noisy but I think we have them in the palm of our hand soon. :) I like teaching them, but at the end of the day I'm really tired.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Here you are

I realize that I haven't posted a real post for a long time.
I've been doing a lot since the 1st of September.

I've met my dear Sigrid again! She's getting married the 6th of December!

I've done a lot of studying. Sometimes we work together in a group, like here.

We're saving power, so it's a bit cold inside...

Jan dropped by with stuff from Stavanger.

We had a house party and invited some of our new friends.

Our friend Torstein visited and helped us out a lot.Last Tuesday I was at KIA (Christian International Assosiation) to help with Norwegian-classes. I enjoyed that. I've also started in a Cellgroup (quite similar to a Biblegroup), which I think will be good for developing my Christian faith.
I've been in practice a week as a teacher. Our job was to observe routines, the pupils and the lessons and help out when we were needed. In two weeks time we will be the ones who will teach. For three whole weeks. I can hardly wait! :)
I've also joined KRIK (CHRISC), Christian Sports Contact. We excercise every Friday and have other social gatherings once in a while. I really like that, and being active in CHRISC might give me a cheap trip to Uganda next summer...!

This weekend was supposed to be a relazxing one, since the past week was really stressfull. But I realize that I have tons of pages to read befor next week's lectures. So I'm still very busy... Hopefully I will go to Salem, the church we've started in, this evening.
I'm happy, but busy!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Coming soon on Inki's Bubble

I'm in a hurry now, but don't stop reading my blog just because the last post was posted a while ago.

If you hang on and check this site during the first few days, you can read about my practice-period in a Children School last week, how I almost fell off my chair at school today and what crazy stuff I did on Tuesday afternoon...

You wait and see. Don't forget Inki's Bubble

-because you're in it!

Friday, September 12, 2008

If I were a shoe...

If I were a shoe
I would be around you all day long

If I were a shoe I would step on your ground
And noone would step on me

If I were a shoe
I would visit streets, cities and countries

If I were a shoe I would have to live through coldness and heat
but I wouldn't have any feelings

If I were a shoe I could get torn and worn out
but maybe they would fix me

If I were a shoe I would have my feet on the ground at all times
and I wouldn't go flying to the moon

It would be nice being a shoe.
But if I were a shoe, what life would I have?
Seeing places from my position in the dirt
Noone to talk to and noone to love
Nothing to live for and nothing to do

And you know the best thing about not being a shoe?
Because if I were a shoe, I wouldn't have met you...

Dedicated to all the people I miss; Vatosoa, friends in Madagascar, family in Stavanger, Oslo, USA and England and my dear friends from Hald spread all around the world...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Busy life

I will study Mathematics and Pedagogics until Christmas. We have lectures everyday except Wednesday, which is set off for self-study. Whenever I come home from lectures, I am so tired but I have to study more and prepare for the next day.

We try to make our dinners healthy and we've subscribed for the gym/sportsclub to get in shape. I have signed up to volunteer for KIA (Christian Intercultural Work) when they need extra help teaching Norwegian to foreigners. I also attend Christian meetings and social happenings, and two days ago I found a cockroach in my bed! We're having friends over on Friday and Christina is staying with us for a few more days. I took my bike to school today, but the pooring rain told me to take the bus home. My bike is still at school and I hope it's safe. I was at Hald last weekend to tell new students about Madagascar. Memories, flashbacks, tears and smiles and I spoke Malagasy again! We still haven't written a contract for our appartment. We need to buy bread.

It's all happening at once, in case you didn't get that. But I'm enjoying myself and I really feel that I'm in the right place with the right people.
We attended a Christian meeting last week and the preacher told us to "reach out" and preach the Gospel to those in our class who aren't Christians. We are 35 students in my class, and at least 11 of us are Christians! Coincidence? I have already pointed out a few people who will be my "projects", and one of them seems quite positive already! I'm so excited! :-)

This is Eline and me outside the University, the day before Semesterstart. :-)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Student-life has begun

Yesterday Eline and I drove from Stavanger to Kristiansand. On our way we stopped by two "Kiwi"-stores. They have a policy so that if if you find food that expires today or tomorrow, you get it for free. But even better; you get money for the food that has already expired! So Eline and I tried our luck and got loads of free food. As soon as we got to our new appartment, the freezer was filled to the top. Amongst all our "treasures" were 4 packs of sausages, breadspread, 15 bags of buns etc! :-) Great for when we get visitors or just want something good to eat. Today's and tomorrow's dinner is already planned and we didn't pay a penny for it. And of course we have a couple of hundred NOK to put in our KIWI-fund! :-)
We have also shopped other necessary stuff, and all of it is from First Price, the cheapest brand in Norway. When we stand in line to pay, there's no doubt about it: we are students (although we haven't started our subjects yet).

Our appartment is nice and we like hanging up stuff and getting settled. If you step into our home the first thing you lay your eyes on, is and African ornament. And as you go into our lounge it's hard not to see that we've both been to Africa. It's great fun and I'm very happy with my new room-mate! :-)

What's more, the sun is shining and apparently telling us that we've chosen the right town.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer is over...

I had a wonderful holiday in Florida, spending quality time with family. Seeing Marianne and Christen was a big highlight of the year! :-)First we spent a week in West Palm Beach in Marianne and Christen's home. Nearly a week after we arrived, we traveled South and had a relaxing holiday on Marathon Key. One day we were so lucky to spend a whole day in Key West. Snorkeling, diving, swimming, bowling and shopping are some Key words (<--- check out the pun! ;-)) of what we did the 2 and a half weeks we spent together. We ate at Taco Bell, Subway, McDonalds etc and got the feeling of being American. We played games and exchanged jokes. Ken Lee (meet him on youtube) was with us at all times and made us laugh until we cried. We had a fabulous time together but, sadly enough, we were short of two people; Ed and Christina.

On our way back to Norway, Mamma, Daddy, David and I had a day-trip in Germany. We visited Mainz and I felt 100 % like a tourist. My camera was close by and mamma was an excellent driver on the "Autobahn".

I'm grateful for having got the opportunity to do all this with my family this Summer. I can hardly wait to Christmas; the whole "gang" will finally be together again! :-)

Malhereusement, holiday ends and Autumn comes. In two days time I will be on my way to Kristiansand, the beautiful capital of the Southern part of Norway. I am going to start my studies to become a teacher. Excitement, stress, joy and uncertainty are some of the feelings that are racing through my brain and stomach. But I am looking forward to it and I hope that God will use me for the best. Please pray that I may settle okay in my new appartment (which I will share with Eline - a girl who went to Cameroun with Hald:-)) and that I will enjoy my studies.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Off to America!

In 10 hours I'm leaving for Florda. I have to pack. I worked today and afterwards I had to sleep. So my suitcase is still as empty as it can be. And some of the clothes I'm supposed to bring are still wet. In short: I am stressed. So why am I on the Internet? Because there are things I have to fix on the computer too before I leave.
But I'm supposed to look on the BRIGHT side of life, and that is that tomorrow I will meet my dear sister and brother-in-law. That weighs up for all the stress I have now.

I'm a bit nervous though. I am going to the most Industrialized country in the world. 3 months ago (WOW- is it that long ago?!) I was in one of the least developed countries. Maybe it will be a shock. Maybe I'll be more aware of the huge differences when I see America again. Let's se!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Future plans


These are the main things I want to do in my life:
I have to live to the fullest, not wasting any moments or letting any oppourtunities pass.
I want to love other people, so that I can be a better person. I want to love others the way God loves me; unconditionally.
I need to laugh, so I have joy in my life. If I laugh, the chances are bigger that someone else also will laugh. My greatest joy is to see people smile, and if I can participate in that, I will be content!

(Pictures from Summer 07)

I am going to Kristiansand in August. The plan is to study at the university to become a teacher. I am not quite sure that I have chosen the right way, but if I get to keep my three L's in a good way, I can't complain. :-)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I had to get a new one.

Welcome to Inki's Bubble!

This new blog is created so I can share my life, my thoughts, dreams and experiences with you. My world is not that big, so I call it my bubble. My bubble is big, so there's room for MANY!

Wherever I go and whatever I do and whoever I meet - this will be my new blog for the future. My Bubble on internet is especially for those who are far away and who I can't speak to everyday... But of course also for the people who live next door. :-)

I am no longer in Madagascar - my base for this year will be Norway, in the sunny city of Kristiansand. It's supossed to be summer, but in Stavanger it's raining. I'm happy to be going to USA in July.

Please read this blog once in a while if you want an update on my news.
You're welcome to leave comments, and I will try to update as often as I should. :-)