Dear readers. Long time, no see. It's already been half a year since the last time I wrote a post. I think that most of my readers are sort of updated on my life, so I won't make a resymè of the last six months, but I'll try to be back and write what's on my mind for the coming six months, if I can manage. :)
As you probably know, I've moved into a new appartment in Kristiansand, in a much more central part of the town. I live there with two friends in my class; Stine and Margrethe (Maggie). We get along really well! :) But I miss my old flatmate, Eline...
I've got to tell you what happened two or three nights ago. I woke up to go to the toilet, when Stine called me from below (they live in the cellar, and I live on the ground floor). "Inki, come down here," she said. She frightened me as she continued: "Someone tried to get in through Margrethe's window!" Maggie had seen a head and a foot trying to get into her room. We were terrified! What was strange, was that whoever it was (she had seen two guys running away when she said: "Excuse me?") had not been bothered taking the two bisycles that were unlocked in the garden. So what did they want?
We called the police and they sent a car to check out the neighboorhood. I called my boyfriend and he came out with his two flatmates. They found a toy snake outside our door, which somebody had put there. We couldn't sleep. All three of us curled up in Stine's bed and we tried to get some sleep, but it took hours. We heard strange noises and our hearts were pounding. Once I was certain I heard a drill (thinking maybe someone was trying to break the window upstairs), but it turned out it was only Maggie breathing! ;)
When we got to school the next day, we found out that the two intruders were two boys in our class!!! We were angry and upset, because they had scared us so much. But I was also relieved, because that meant that the danger was over for now... Puh!
I'll try to keep you updated on my exciting experiences once in a while, but life is busy. Please keep on checking my blog to see if there's news. If I know that I have readers, I'll be more motivated to write. Thanks to Maria who made me start over again! :)