As we visit Hindu temples, Buddhist temples, temples for the Chinese folk religion, Catholic churches, and get visits from Malaysian youths and interview people with different religions, we get to learn more about the diversity in the world. I am learning more and more that religion often is linked to the culture you grow up in.
Krishna Temple (Hinduism)
Murugan Temple (Hinduism)
Buddhist Temple
Temple of Taoism
Taoism = a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions, The word 道, Tao,roughly translates as, "path" or "way" (of life), although in Chinese folk religion and philosophy it carries more abstract meanings. Taoist propriety and ethics emphasize the Three Jewels of the Tao: compassion, moderation, and humility, while Taoist thought generally focuses on nature, the relationship between humanity and the cosmos. Want to learn more? Check out
We have to write an essay which will be graded and I have decided together with Stine to write about the position of Women in Islam and Christianity. The reason for this choice is that we met Malaysian Muslims who gave us a book on the topic, and who really wanted us to read it. It is of course from an Islamic perspective, but this makes it more interesting, as we get to see the religion from the inside.
Very interesting blog! Good pictures. Are you not going to write about healing, then?
Så bra du skriver Inki! Også på engelsk da gitt! Mens du nyter varme og religiøse dager i Asia, har afrikaparet blitt skikkelig oslofolk og kjøpt seg leilighet. Du er hjertelig velkommen på besøk når du kommer hjem!
Hei Inki!
Må bare si at du har en kjempeflott blogg. Interessant å følge dere på reisen. Som jeg sa til Margrethe.. ved å lese din og hennes blogg får jeg gratis information om hvordan Stine har det. Det blir spennende å lese oppgaven du og Stine skal skrive om kvinnenes stilling sett fra islam og kristent ståsted.
God reise videre.........
Hilsen Stinemamman
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