We try to make our dinners healthy and we've subscribed for the gym/sportsclub to get in shape. I have signed up to volunteer for KIA (Christian Intercultural Work) when they need extra help teaching Norwegian to foreigners. I also attend Christian meetings and social happenings, and two days ago I found a cockroach in my bed! We're having friends over on Friday and Christina is staying with us for a few more days. I took my bike to school today, but the pooring rain told me to take the bus home. My bike is still at school and I hope it's safe. I was at Hald last weekend to tell new students about Madagascar. Memories, flashbacks, tears and smiles and I spoke Malagasy again! We still haven't written a contract for our appartment. We need to buy bread.
It's all happening at once, in case you didn't get that. But I'm enjoying myself and I really feel that I'm in the right place with the right people.
We attended a Christian meeting last week and the preacher told us to "reach out" and preach the Gospel to those in our class who aren't Christians. We are 35 students in my class, and at least 11 of us are Christians! Coincidence? I have already pointed out a few people who will be my "projects", and one of them seems quite positive already! I'm so excited! :-)
Yay, finally, a new blog :D
Busy is good though. You get a lot more done when you are busy then when you have time to postpone things ;)
School looks nice, as does the two girls. Hope you keep enjoying it ;)
Ps. Cockroaches are full of cheap protein ;)
Miss ya! Ruben.
E så gøy å lese bloggen din, Stix:)
Eline er fin på håret!! ..det var det første jeg tenkte da jeg så dette bildet, så jeg ville bare si det. Og så vil jeg ønske dere lykke til videre med studiene:) keep on blogging ingrid!!
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